I'm slowly working through the 700+ book list that I have going right now. My main problem is the covers of some of these books. If a cover catches my eye I will put it on my 'to read' book list and that one just keeps growing and growing.
This was a good one. It is different then most of the historical romances out there. I loved Dani's character as well as Caroline. Didn't much care for Aunt Flora or Rafe or Rafe's mother. I had to warm up to Rafe because I haven't read the first two books in this series and when you start this book Rafe is still upset with a scandal that happened five years ago an d I had a feeling right off the bat he was wrongfully accusing Dani. But I loved Dani though I wished she was more outgoing in her actions instead of the author always describing her that way and not showing us. I loved the suspense and I was shocked by the revealing of the culprit was not expecting that though I liked how it ended.
I haven't really been in the mood for any certain type of book lately, so I decided to make myself a TBR jar. That way, I can cut down my TBR list a little faster.
I had a lot of fun making my jar, and Jensen sure did have fun watching me from below.
So here is my finished jar. I just used a plain Mason jar and some bright and colorful paper. I am very happy with the way it turned out. I have just over 200 books in here..so yes, it'll take me quite a while to get through. And I'm sure I will be adding more as time goes on.
I am planning to review every single book I pull out of this jar. Wish me luck.
Do you have a TBR jar? Or do you have a certain method of choosing your next book to read. Let me know!
I was shocked by how quickly this book turned dark and gory and I really enjoyed it. My favorite story out this collection has to be the Pied Piper just the way it was portrayed really well. Cant wait for the next one.
I loved these comics! I like the dark side of the fairy tales and the moral lesson it shows at the end of each story. Also another point I love about the comics is that the present time characters were transported into the fairy tales. Very good series so far and I can't wait to learn more about Sela and how she has this power to help these people.
This is a very sexy comic one that I was not sure I would like because I am not really that into the sex appeal and more into the story. But I have to say I do enjoy the art of the comic. The only thing I did not like was that the stories don't seem to be connected, especially the first two which bothered me. But it seems to be getting better at connecting for me I just wish to know more about Sela.
The whole time I was reading this book I kept calling the main character Gus Gus in my head, is that wrong?? That ladies and gentlemen would the disney geek in me coming out. This was a really really amazing read for me. It was a coming of age type of book that just floated around me and made me feel all warm and gooey inside. I didn't love Gus Gus at first when I started this reading adventure but she grew on me. At first I wanted to strangle her because of all the drama situations she put herself into that she really didn't have to! She was so juvenile at first and then when she started maturing and growing into a woman who I loved and respected and wanted to protect I was so happy!
^This was me while she was growing up and making better choices. There were really only three characters that I truly truly hated in this book and those were Amy Lee, Nate, and Helen. With Amy Lee I was right there with Georgia in the fact that Amy Lee was an obnoxious bitch to her two best friends and I was so glad when Gus Gus called her out on her shit. Nate is just scum of this earth. And Helen though it was surprising to see her take on things and the relationship her and Gus Gus had I still hated her because to think that she thought it was okay to steal someone's boyfriend right from under her nose no matter what relationship you have with the woman. I know it happens but I didn't agree with it or the character.
Can I just take this time to talk about Henry? Uhhhh this man was delicious as soon as he was introduced. I fell for him hard and fast and ate up every scene he starred in. There was never enough of Henry time for me. With that devil may care smirk he always has. So hawt! And he cared for Gus Gus in more than just the sex, uhhh love that.
Another honorable mention is Georgia. Hard ass lawyer who was so well written and I loved her sass. She's the woman that I would want to grow into or be best friends with. She's just pure awesomeness to me.
This book was a lovely journey to growing up and I loved the good feeling it gave me at the end of Gus Gus finding herself and coming to terms with her life and how she wanted to live it.
Oh my gosh, it's kind of scary how I can relate to this book and these characters. I can peg people I know and love to these characters...I am teamHenry in this book and I can't wait to find out if Gus ends up with him in the end and kicks Nate and Helen to the curb. PLEASE OH PLEASE END UP WITH HENRY!
It's been a long time since I've read R.L. Stine as a kid and I don't quite remember if he's a scary author or not but this was just not scary enough for me. I picked it up because I've passed it a couple of times on my trips to Barnes and Noble and I've read the cover and it sounded interesting. But after I started reading it I learned really quick it's not going to be a scary book. And the main character Claire is very very vapid and vain. There wasn't much character development for the characters and it was trying to hard with the romance bit. I was disappointed with this book because it was such a quick read for me even though I could get into the characters. I was hoping for tons of deaths and secretly wishing the main character would bite the bullet just so I could stop hearing her whine about how her close guy friend didn't love her like she loved him. Ugh.
This was an okay read it wasn't the best though. I was more interested in the history part of the comic than the 21st century part. The 21st century part of the comic was just too drama filled and juvenile for me. I did like the characters Warren and Nathan, but Bea is just not working for me even when she's in the past. The artwork of this comic is very good and I love it! It's just Bea is not doing it for me at all.
I've seen these manga books out on display for the past couple of weeks in Barnes and Nobel and they keep catching my eye. I finally broke down and started reading them and boy! I love manga and comics but this series is awesome! It's a lovely sexually tensed story and I am falling very quickly for Kyou. I do love the sexual tension between Kyou and Misao it's very different then the usual manga I've read and it's refreshing. I can't wait to read the rest of this series and see how it plays out.
This book was very refreshing! I had gotten into a trend of reading young adult books about online relationships and this book was perfect to go to right after those. The main character Cherry was very convincing and I felt like I'd be best friends with her and her two besties. Though my favorite out of the trio was Susie, I have to say. Rick was a dream boat for me he's the posh, new doctor who just moved to the area and starting at a new hospital. I loved him and Tim interacting together. I fell for Tim already so I'm drooling with anticipation to read his story but I'm going to save his story for last and read Mike's story next. For me this book did an okay job at confronting Cherry's weight issues. I wished there was more back story and more of Cherry reflecting and trying to move past her weight issues instead of just Rick trying to push her through her issues. I wanted more of the flashbacks of her incident at the pool. I wanted to see more of her actively trying to come to terms with her weight and being okay with it. Now it's on to read the second in the trilogy!
I really really enjoyed this book and will be keeping it around so that I can have my future kids read this. Not only was this a good read but this was really informational on the process of how internet relationships work and how the teenager side of this relationship hit home for me and it was spot on I was pleasantly shocked the author was able to get that side of the relationship so perfectly. I also really liked the part of the aftermath of the internet relationship and how the family responded to it and how they all had to work through it. It was just a wonderful story that was told in a way that I wasn't expecting. After finishing the book this morning I was very happy that I found this book and bought it. It's just one of those books that I'm happy I got and will keep it around for others to read.
This book was a little bit of a let down for me. There were a lot of things that were explained in this book, for instance Lindsay's former life before Marlwood. Also I found that this book didn't do so well with description of particular places, especially towards the end of the book. There's a scene where the girls throw a party in a lake house that's described as being suspended on the water. I had to go back three times and retread the description before giving up and just continuing with the book. Besides my issue with the description of places I had a hard time with following the lulls in the book when nothing happened to further along the plot. I do want to read the next one I. This series because I am curious as to why the ghosts were killed and why they blame the ghost that Lindsay is possessed by. I'm more curious about the history of Marlwood and wether or not Mandy hooks up with her crazy brother